
Friday, September 26, 2014

Tips to Take Care Healthy Physical, Mental and Spiritual

The first will tell you that in the health issue, it is much more broad than the common people think since it involves several factors that it is important to know, we all know of diseases that are psychological or mental and emotional states that depend on and that should prevent these disorders.

Tips to care for Mental and spiritual health

In what has to do with spiritual health, the best advice would be to avoid religious fanaticism and anxiety that this produces, which can also lead to practices contrary to which take into account both physical and mental health care.

It has great importance, being surrounded by loved ones, share with friends, physical activity, etc. As Christian is essential to a life of prayer and reading of the word of God, participate in meetings in the Congregation and before that avoid being a religious fanatic. Live healthily is to practice a set of activities that determine your lifestyle, it is the right thing to achieve a balance in which your spirit, body and mind functions in a way appropriate both from the point of view medical such as social and religious for those who are true Christians.

Several tips to take care of physical health

Then you leave some tips for the care of physical health and that no doubt can be an integral part of your mental and spiritual State since we are one body and what happens with our spirit and the mind manifests itself in our vital functions.

- Have a good diet, know that is not the amount of what you eat, but the quality, foods rich in vitamins, fiber and protein, determine how many calories we can eat and few burn per day. It is said while more colors have your dish will be better now that will be a balanced food.

- The practice of sports is very convenient, already is much more than its physical benefits, for his contribution to the integral formation of the person and what is the psychic development of much-needed maturity and is a form of social interaction that we all know helps us to live healthily.

- Take abundant liquid: in general sense, young people take less amount of fluid from advised. Good health care, it is important to increase the consumption of water, fruit juices or drinks to a minimum of 2 - 2.5 litres a day. Christians should be their fasts by taking into account that in the end it is more convenient consumption of fluids and not solid food.

I hope your comments and recommendations as having or that do to care for our physical, mental and spiritual health God bless you and will allow you to live healthly. 
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