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Friday, September 26, 2014

Knowing Rasio of Stress

As we know the oral cancer sores are lesions very annoying that affect our mouth and sometimes even your quality of life. They do not have a definite origin of the because they are produced, but have been the appearance of them in people who are very excess or by a shock traumatic pos, such as the death of a close relative. The latter I can assert it since it a well known, for years it llagaba are all mouth, all the months of July, for her it was normal but I did not know the because, when I started to investigate, discovered that his father had died in the month of July for several years.

Does that mean this? Good that one of the trigger factors of cancer is the unconscious (post traumatic shock), where not aware of because, since that trauma is stored in our psyche, and we can not let it go (in this case I recommend therapy with a psychologist so resolved that trauma that affects the person's life). Not only the appearance of the cancer sore, is a traumatic shock also be by daily stress, be it for work, for school, pay review, etc.

Make Moment in Pregnant Procces

There are moments in life that marked a before and an after, when you're expecting a baby, it is a unique and unrepeatable moment in your life more pregnancies you have, each one will be a unique moment, we already know that two equal pregnancies, as no two children equal there are.

We are so excited, as future popes, that all seems of pink, and created a whole process as pregnancy and the arrival of our little one of those unique and unrepeatable moments. And it is that there is nothing more beautiful that this be miniature that you take in the womb for 9 months, that are willing to to see him being the face and keep it on your lap.

Tips to Take Care Healthy Physical, Mental and Spiritual

The first will tell you that in the health issue, it is much more broad than the common people think since it involves several factors that it is important to know, we all know of diseases that are psychological or mental and emotional states that depend on and that should prevent these disorders.

Tips to care for Mental and spiritual health

In what has to do with spiritual health, the best advice would be to avoid religious fanaticism and anxiety that this produces, which can also lead to practices contrary to which take into account both physical and mental health care.

How Can We Protect of Our Health

Health is not only synonymous with the absence of disease, but it includes a constant state of physical and emotional well-being that we provide to lead a harmonious life as possible. Therefore, it is essential to know how we can take care of our health. Our health care system is a way of life in which we gradually introduce the changes and adopt improvements in physical and mental domains; if we learn to take care of our health, we have the ability to help improve our environment.

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